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Wrong Turn 6: Last Resort Hindi Filmywap Download - A Trip to the Hotel of Horrors

Wrong Turn 6: Last Resort - A Reboot or a Wrong Turn for the Franchise?

Wrong Turn is a horror film series that started in 2003 with a group of young people being hunted by cannibalistic mutants in the woods of West Virginia. The series has spawned five sequels, each with different characters and scenarios, but with the same premise of survival and gore. The sixth installment, Wrong Turn 6: Last Resort, was released in 2014 and was intended to be a reboot of the franchise, but was it a success or a failure? Let's find out.

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What is Wrong Turn 6: Last Resort about?

Wrong Turn 6: Last Resort follows Danny, a young man who inherits an old hotel from his unknown relatives. He decides to visit the hotel with his girlfriend Toni and their friends, but soon discovers that the hotel is run by his cousins Jackson and Sally, who are also cannibals and have a clan of mutant brothers living in the nearby woods. Danny learns that he is part of their family and that they have plans for him and his friends, which involve blood, incest, and death.

Who are the cast and crew of Wrong Turn 6: Last Resort?

The film was directed by Valeri Milev, who also directed other horror films such as Re-Kill and Day of the Dead: Bloodline. The film was written by Frank H. Woodward, who also wrote other horror films such as Lovecraft: Fear of the Unknown and Black Forest. The film stars Anthony Ilott as Danny, Chris Jarvis as Jackson, Aqueela Zoll as Toni, Sadie Katz as Sally, Rollo Skinner as Vic, Billy Ashworth as Rod, Harry Belcher as Charlie, Joe Gaminara as Bryan, Roxanne Pallett as Jillian, Radoslav Parvanov as Three Finger, Danko Jordanov as Saw Tooth, Asen Asenov as One Eye, Kicker Robinson as Sheriff Doucette, Talitha Luke-Eardley as Daria, Luke Cousins as Nick, Josie Kidd as Agnes Fields, and Venetka Georgieva as Overweight Woman.


The Good

The psychological angle

One of the things that makes Wrong Turn 6: Last Resort different from the previous films is that it tries to explore the psychological aspect of Danny's character and his relationship with his cousins. Danny is conflicted between his loyalty to his friends and his attraction to his family, who offer him a sense of belonging and identity that he never had before. He also suffers from hallucinations and nightmares that reveal his dark past and his connection to the cannibals. The film attempts to create some sympathy for Danny and his cousins, who are portrayed as victims of their own circumstances and genetics.

The gore and kills

Another thing that makes Wrong Turn 6: Last Resort similar to the previous films is that it delivers on the gore and kills that fans expect from the series. The film features some brutal and creative deaths, such as Jillian being dismembered in a bathhouse, Bryan being raped by Sally while having a brain injury, Rod being impaled by a deer head trophy, Charlie being burned alive in an oven, Vic being decapitated by a bear trap, Toni being stabbed in the eye with a corkscrew, Daria being skinned alive by Three Finger, Nick being shot in the head by Jackson, Sheriff Doucette being sliced in half by Saw Tooth, Agnes Fields being stabbed in the throat by Jackson, Overweight Woman being eaten by One Eye, and Jackson and Sally being killed by Danny with a shotgun. The film does not shy away from showing the graphic details of these scenes, which may appeal to some horror fans who enjoy the shock value and the splatter effects.

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The twist ending

The film also tries to surprise the audience with a twist ending that reveals that Danny was actually the mastermind behind the whole plot and that he orchestrated the deaths of his friends and his cousins. He reveals that he knew about his family history all along and that he wanted to inherit the hotel and the land, which he plans to turn into a resort for rich people. He also reveals that he has a secret partner, who turns out to be Jillian, who survived her attack and faked her death. The film ends with Danny and Jillian driving away from the hotel, leaving behind a trail of corpses and a burning building.

The Bad

The acting and dialogue

One of the things that makes Wrong Turn 6: Last Resort worse than the previous films is that it suffers from poor acting and dialogue. The film features some unknown and inexperienced actors who deliver their lines with little emotion and conviction. The film also has some cheesy and cringeworthy dialogue that makes the characters sound unrealistic and stupid. For example, when Toni finds out that Danny is related to the cannibals, she says "You're one of them? You're a fucking inbred?" Another example is when Jackson tells Danny "You're not just our cousin, you're our brother. And our father." The film fails to create any believable or likable characters that the audience can care about or root for.

The plot holes and inconsistencies

Another thing that makes Wrong Turn 6: Last Resort worse than the previous films is that it has many plot holes and inconsistencies that make the story illogical and confusing. The film does not explain how Danny knew about his family history or how he planned his scheme with Jillian. The film also does not explain how Jillian survived her attack or how she managed to fake her death without anyone noticing. The film also contradicts some of the established facts from the previous films, such as the origin and appearance of the cannibals, who look different from their counterparts in the other films. The film also ignores some of the events from the previous films, such as the fate of Three Finger's son or the existence of other survivors. The film does not follow any continuity or logic in its narrative, which makes it hard to follow or enjoy.

The controversy and recall

The final thing that makes Wrong Turn 6: Last Resort worse than the previous films is that it caused a lot of controversy and backlash due to its offensive and insensitive content. The film features some scenes that depict incest, rape, torture, and cannibalism in a graphic and gratuitous manner, which many viewers found disturbing and disgusting. The film also features an image of a missing woman named Stacia Purcell, who was actually a real-life victim of a murder case in Ireland. The film used her image without her family's permission or knowledge, which caused a lot of outrage and criticism from her relatives and the public. The film was eventually recalled from some markets and online platforms, such as Amazon and iTunes, due to its legal issues and negative reception.


Is Wrong Turn 6: Last Resort worth watching?

Wrong Turn 6: Last Resort is not worth watching for most people, unless they are die-hard fans of the series or they enjoy watching low-budget horror films with lots of gore and violence. The film is poorly




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